Giveaway & Review for Waterproof by Amber Garr

Waterproof - Amber Garr


Waterproof(1)Add me to Goodreads


Cover:  Emma Michaels and Amber Garr




Waterproof kicks off with action that had me racing through the pages.

Anyone who bucked the system was considered a deserter and dealt with “appropriately.”


Pollution, population overcrowding, terrorists destroying the desalinization plants, greed, nuclear holocaust, disease, martial law, the draft – once in, never out – who will survive?


The groups dynamic changes as the characters come and go, whether by choice or death. I do wonder who will be left standing.


The horror is unbelievably grotesque. The mad scientists are on the loose.


This is one of those stories that will give you food for thought. In an apocalypse, who will survive? Is it the haves or have nots? Is it the strongest or the smartest? Is the sacrifice of the many for the survival of the few the rule of thumb? How do people twist their minds into thinking heinous acts are acceptable? Will there be any humanity left on the planet?


How far would you go to save the one you love?


Science fiction meets horror and it ain’t pretty.


The writing was so detailed I could see it, feel it, and it gave me shivers. The characters are well developed and become more complex as they grow and learn to survive and love in a new world.


I am very curious to see where this ends, to find out how many of their makeshift family will survive.


I do love a happy ever after, but we will have to wait and see. Waterproof has no cliffhanger, but it does make me eager to read the next book in the series, Watermarked.


Animated Animals. Pictures, Images and Photos  4 stars


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