Giveaway & Review for Falling for Sarah by Cate Beauman @CateBeauman @candacemom2two

Widow Sarah Johnson struggled to pick up the pieces after her life was ripped apart. After two years of grieving, she’s found contentment in her thriving business as photographer to Hollywood’s A-list and in raising her angel-faced daughter, Kylee… until bodyguard and long-time friend Ethan Cooke changes everything with a searing moonlight kiss.
Sarah’s world turns upside down as she struggles with her unexpected attraction to Ethan and the guilt of betraying her husband’s memory. But when blue roses and disturbing notes start appearing on her doorstep, she has no choice but to lean on Ethan as he fights to save her from a stalker that won’t stop until he has what he prizes most.
Cate Beauman is a master storyteller, so I was very happy to have the chance to read Falling for Sarah. The rollercoaster romance with the lingering danger has captivated me.
Sarah has a new baby and her hubby will be home from deployment soon. Ethan, who owns Cooke Security, has been there to fill the gap until he returns. As he changes Kylee’s diaper, while Sarah showers, he talks to himself.
“This stuff’s like cement. I’d rather be in an alley with three Uzis pointed at my head.”
Paints a pretty sexy picture in my head, the macho man afraid of breaking the baby.
Then…their world came crashing down. My heart broke for Sarah.
I saw the conflict coming. Sexual attraction and frustration. How long can they stay apart? Sarah and Ethan struggle to work through their feelings of doubt over moving on after the death of her husband, not wanting to lose their best friend. I want to slap them both upside the head with their on again off again, yes and no affair. Just get over yourselves. At times, I felt it went on a bit too long, but when you think about real life, how often have we all flipflopped over a difficult decision. I know I have.
A serial rapist is running rampant in her neighborhood and we all know where that will take us, but what a ride! Have you ever felt the hairs raising on the back of your neck, your spidey sense tingling, telling you someone is watching?
HE’s furious that he can’t get to her. All the serial killer cliches apply as he escalates to a fever pitch. He is obsessed, making plans for their special day. His sick and twisted thoughts made me think of Criminal Minds.
Oh no, I think I got on a ramble and I hope I didn’t share too much. What I talked about was predictable, so I don’t feel I spoiled anything. The real story is in the gritty details that kept me in suspense. I knew what’s coming, yet I could hardly wait to get there.
The pacing and suspense for Falling for Sarah by Cate Beauman kept me reading from beginning to end. Cate’s ability to write a story I have read before and still keep me on pins and needles is what makes her an author that will be on my radar.
I received a copy of Falling for Sarah by Cate Beauman in return for an honest review.
5 Stars
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