Her Sister is Taken in Forever Alexa by Cate Beauman @CateBeauman

I am so excited to be back with Cate Beauman and Forever Alexa, Book Four of The Bodyguards of L A County Series.
Each book will stand alone, and if you are into Romantic Suspense, this is a series you will want on your reading list.
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Forever Alexa by Cate Beauman is a knock your socks off, tighten your seatbelt ride.
Right off the bat, I know something bad is going to happen to Alexa and I hate it for her.
Who will help her when the cops fail? Ethan Security and a lost love.
In typical Romantic Suspense fashion, Alexa has to get herself front and center…deep in trouble, unable and unwilling to wait for someone else to do the dirty work. Even though I know the scenario well, because this is my favorite reading, I gasp, cringe and want to reach through the glass of my Kindle, grab her by the arm and hold her back., yelling, telling her it’s too damn dangerous.
I hate that women are weaker than men, but unless we have special skills or super powers, we are at the monsters mercy.
When do you know the risk is too great? When do you know it’s time to stop and move on? When we have the answers. I would want Alexa at my side in times of trouble, that’s for sure.
I do become frustrated with the back and forth, seesawing, of romantic suspense relationships, but that is the nature of the beast.
The point of view shifts from one character’s perspective to another, from Alexa’s to Jackson’s. And I do love the characters. A woman with the strength to do what needs to be done, not waiting for someone else to do it. A man that dares to show emotion, learning that it is not a weakness but a strength.
I am on pins and needles, waiting, feeling like more bad is coming their way on each and every page. I have an overwhelming sense of danger…I get Alexa’s motivation, but damn…frying pan to fire.
I voluntarily reviewed a free copy of Forever Alexa by Cate Beauman
5 Stars