Five Slices of Halloween Horror – Bad Apples #BadApples

Bad Apples is Five Slices of Halloween Horror.
I received and read this book in October of 2014, but…
These unique, gruesome and devilishly delicious stories will have you looking over your shoulder, jumping at every noise and shadow.
Be careful of wandering dark streets at night.
The authors twisted imaginations take horror to the highest levels with surprise endings and plenty of twists and turns along the way.
Four stars all the way!
The Riggle Twins by Gregor Xane
Pretty gross and devilishly delicious with tricks and treats for the Halloween hater. Do you have a dark house on Halloween, no candy for the treaters? Beware…egging and tping are not the only tricks these children have in store for you. 4 Stars
Pumpkinhead Ted by Evans Light
What they did to Ted is so awful…I can’t tell you. You’ll have to read it for yourself. BUT, he is back, one year later, for payback. OMG. I never saw that coming. Evans Light takes me to a place that smacks me around and makes me scream UNCLE! 4 Stars
Ghost Light Road by Adam Light
Of course, someone saw the light. Of course, what happens next, had to happen. I actually laughed. Dumbasses! Here comes the badness. You think vampires and werewolves are scary, you haven’t met Uncle Jesse’s children…and you really don’t want to. 4 Stars
Easy Pickings by Jason Parent
Beware. What goes around, comes around. Like a cat playing with its prey, I know something is coming…Now…No, now….Uh Oh. 4 Stars
The Scare Rows by Edward Lorn
Children of the Corn and Supernatural on steroids. I didn’t see this story developing the way it did, but I should not have been surprised, with Edward’s twisted imagination. Horror, perverted sex and evil do go together well. I wondered how he would end The Scare Rows and I couldn’t help but laugh when I got there. Corn Whisky…HA HA HA HA HA! Excellent. 5 Stars
I voluntarily reviewed a free copy of Bad Apples.
4 Stars