Not Like Any Wrestling You Know – Wrestle Maniacs Anthology @Adam_G_Howe

Some of the authors for the Wrestle Maniacs anthology are familiar to me and you may recognize some of them yourself.
If you are a fan of wrestling or like twisted, convoluted tales that will tax your imagination, Wrestle Maniacs is for you. Some of the stories are sad, some are hilarious, and some are down right frightening. Twisted. Horrific. Every punishment you can imagine in the ring and many you never would have dreamt of, are contained herein.
Gabino Iglesias had me gagging and trying not to upchuck as I read his brutal, bloody story, El Neubo Sant’s Last Fight.
Adam Howe had me laughing my ass off, as Reggie, a shit magnet, finds himself in some of the most hilariously funny, yet dangerous situations in the book, in Rassle Hassle.
Gory, gross, disgusting and some seemingly normal stories, along with some horror, scifi, mystery, thrills and chills. Off the wall!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I voluntarily reviewed a free copy of Wrestle Maniacs by Adam Howe & Company.
5 Stars
A dozen dark fiction masters bring their twisted vision to the world of professional wrestling. Twelve original stories of crime, horror, humor, and taboo. Ohhh, yeahhh! This ain’t no kayfabe, baby. This is hard-hitting wrestling fiction that grips like a Camel Clutch, and pins the reader to the page for the count of one, two…THREE!
Includes a confrontational foreword by ring legend ‘Pulverizing’ Pat McCrunch (as told to Jeff Strand)… An all-new story starring Nick ‘The Widowmaker’ Bullman from James Newman’s wrestling noir, “Ugly as Sin”… And ex-boxer turned strip club bouncer Reggie Levine (“Tijuana Donkey Showdown,” “Damn Dirty Apes”) returns for another action-packed misadventure.
Original fiction by:
Jeff Strand
Tom Leins
James Newman
Eryk Pruitt
Adam Howe
Ed Kurtz
Hector Acosta
Joseph Hirsch
Duncan P. Bradshaw
David James Keaton
Gabino Iglesias
Patrick Lacey
and Jason Parent