EEK! It’s A Spider – What Hides Within by Jason Parent @AuthorJasParent

Jason Parent writes some scary stuff, just look at the cover for What Hides Within and you will see what I mean. Does it make you want to know want to know more? It does me.
Cover by Q Design
Publisher: Bloodshot Books
Just looking at the creepy cover makes me cringe, yet I open it with sweet anticipation, looking forward to a great scare with same laughs, which I know Jason Parent is more than willing to provide.
With a name like Clive, I foresee some bad things coming his way. Will he be the victim or the perpetrator? We shall see.
The doctor cut open his head to remove…something…only to find everything is okay. He stitched him back up, offered an apology, and wanted him to go away. I’m sorry, but that wouldn’t work for me, and I don’t think it will work for Clive either. OMG! The nerve of the idiot moron doctor! If I was Clive, I probably would have killed him on the spot.
That is the present…NOW…let’s go to the past and find out how and why he got into this spot to begin with.
Detective Samantha Reilly was a hardened detective leading the investigation into a young girl’s death. She was inured to the brutality humans inflicted upon each other. Knowing Jason, I see more dead bodies on the horizon and a truly evil killer.
As soon as we went under the bridge, I knew where Jason was taking me. Now, I’m waiting for the twist.
Chester and Derek…OMG…I laughed so hard I cried. I love that Jason Parent packs so much action, along with the darkness and laughs, leaving me wanting more.
Chester, I wonder what’s going to happen to Chester. Every time I think about him, I try to imagine the details of his home, how and what he eats, and his dining accommodations. I wonder what Chester hopes to accomplish.
I shivered and freaked out a little. Spiders are one of my favorite critters to read about because they make me so uncomfortable. Talk about stepping outside my comfort zone.
Well, that didn’t go the way I thought and that is one of the reasons I love Jason Parent’s writing. He mixes genres seamlessly, dark horror and comedy with lots of action, and creates some amazing villains. Can’t hear so well? Have a stuffy nose?
Jason, you did it again. Took me to a place filled with suspense and tension and a pace that kept me reading, wanting to know what was on the next page, and the next one…
I can hardly wait to get my hands on Victoria, Book II and the final book in the series.
I voluntarily reviewed a free copy of What Hides Within by Jason Parent.

4 Stars