Legend of the Chupacabra by Michael Hebler @mhebler
Allright, Book III of the Chupacabra series by Michael Hebler, Legend of the Chupacabra. I got this book from Michael back in 2015 and finished it on 12.16.15. Man oh man it has been a wild ride…so, let’s get started.
Another fabulous cover in the series.
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As I enter the third book in the series, Legend of the Chupacabra by Michael Hebler, I have been reading them one after another, I become more fond of Jessie and her tenacity. She had a sordid upbringing, is self reliant, untrusting. Life is not what she would have chosen, but she would make the best of it. If she ever became your friend, it would be for life.
I couldn’t understand her felling of dread and being stalked. After all, the chupacabra was dead…isn’t it? What do you think?
Hate and revenge are strong motivators, leaving some open to being duped and unleashing a horror never known before upon the white man. In this western world, we learn about man’s ability to be good and bad. Are they born that way or do circumstances dictate their actions? I love a book that makes me ponder deep questions.
Suspense, twists and turns, pain and sorrow, but love and hope blossom from the most evil depredations. Sometimes subsequent books in the series don’t hold up, but, no worries. Each book has held more depth, more terror and more suspense than the last. I cannot stop reading, the suspense and sense of urgency driving me to the end…but wait…there’s one more book. YAY!
OMG…NO…Michael, you are sheer evil. I had a feeling something had to happen, but, damn it! I sure didn’t see the ending coming and it was a fabulous surprise.