5 Went In, 1 Came Out – Slash by Hunter Shea @huntershea1

5 went in….1 came out.
Ashley King is afraid of the dark and from her past experiences, she has every reason to be. I feel so bad for her. Her fear of the dark and her only escape was pills to sleep and forget…for a while.
Todd gave her his parience and support, but he would not force her to do anything she didn’t want to do. He could only hope it would be enough.
Hunter Shea did not take her to a place I thought he would, and I love that he can throw me for a loop right out of the gate. When she hangs herself, it caught me totally off guard. All I could think is WTF? Now what? I can only imagine the pain and horror she lived through as it wore her down, a little more each day, until she couldn’t take it any longer…being the ‘final girl.’
Todd could not let it go. He has to go back where it all began. He has to know. And he will.
Once they crossed the boundary between the real world and Hayden lands, they are on his turf, and the horror begins.
Much of Slash by Hunter Shea is predictable, but Hunter is good for a twist or two.
I voluntarily reviewed a free copy of Slash by Hunter Shea.