Horrorlicious – Strangers by Michaelbrent Collings @mbcollings

Strangers by Michaelbrent Collings is a fabulous read. I love the covers, but the second one from Amazon is sooooo cool.
Amazon / Audiobook / Goodreads
I didn’t realize I had this on my Kindle from an Amazon free day, when I read the second book, Stranger Still by Michaelbrent Collings. Any questions I had from the second book were answered here, but I feel both books could stand alone.
Horror of horrors, trapped in your house, no way out, a stranger dead set on playing a deadly game of cat and mouse. Who or will anyone survive?
The bogeyman…
The punisher…
Do you run? There’s nowhere to go.
Do you hide? There’s nowhere to hide.
Strangers is a psychological thriller that ranks up there with Dean Koontz and Stephen King. The horror is nonstop, nail biting suspense that makes each person face their shortcomings…and maybe pay for them in a gruesome way.