The Forbidden Door by Dean Koontz @deankoontz #librarylove
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The Forbidden Door takes a wicked turn and proves that just because you can do something doesn’t mean you should. Now the real Dean Koontz shows his face.
‘They’ have been unable to capture Jane. Even when they catch up to her, she is quick and manages to escape by the skin of her teeth. So…they have set their sites on her five year old son. I love the character that is introduced here…Cornell…is absolutely fabulous.
Dean Koontz brings his characters to life and I root for the good guys who lay it all on the line. Regardless of what could happen to them, they feel compelled to do the right thing.
This is the fourth book in the Jane Hawk series. I am so disappointed I will have to wait for the next one from the library, The Night Window, the finale. I have been binge reading them and I sooooo much want to know what happens next. This is a 5 book series and needs to be read in order. The books are looooong but I have been devouring them.