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I Need A J – Just You, Me and a Secret by Ganga Bharani Vasudevan @ganga_bharani

Just You, Me and a Secret - Ganga Bharani Vasudevan

The year is coming to an end and I was looking at my 2019 Alphabet Soup Reading Challenge to find out what I was lacking and I needed a J. I looked through my Kindle and found Just You, Me and a Secret by Ganga Bharani Vasudevan. I picked it up on an Amazon free day, 6.7.16.


Just you, me and a secret

Amazon / Goodreads




There are some definite bumps and bruises in Ganga Bharani’s first novel, but I am so happy I grabbed it on an Amazon free day.


I love the cover and it fits the story perfectly!


When I first began I struggled a bit. It reads like an ARC, rough around the edges, but I persevered and am glad I did.


Meera has lost her memory and her future husband, a doctor, is helping her to regain it. She reads her diary, Clara, and learns about her life. For some reason she is drawn to San, her lifelong friend, more than to Ashruth, her intended. Could the bash on her head have changed her that much?


As the story unfolds, I find myself getting more involved in her life and I am hoping she comes to the same conclusion I have.


The ending makes everything worthwhile.

Animated Animals. Pictures, Images and Photos3 Stars




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Giveaway & Review – Winter Frost by Lauren Carr @TheMysteryLadie @iReadBookTours

Winter Frost - Lauren Carr


Book Details:

Book Title: Winter Frost  (A Chris Matheson Cold Case Mystery #2) by Lauren Carr
Category:  Adult fiction,  332 pages
Genre:  Mystery
Publisher:  Acorn Book Services
Release date:  January 22, 2019
Formats available for purchase:  paperback, ebook, audiobook (audible & itunes)Tour dates:  October 7 to November 22, 2019

Content Rating:  PG-13 (Lauren Carr’s books are murder mysteries, so there are murders involved. Occasionally, a murder will happen on stage. There is sexual content, but always behind closed doors. Some mild swearing (a hell or a damn few and far between). No F-bombs!

“Filled with twists and turns, Winter Frost reads perfectly well as a stand-alone, although it is part of a series. The author creates tension and suspense throughout by keeping the reader guessing; she keeps readers engaged with well fleshed out characters and a dash of humor. Sterling, the retired German Shepherd police dog turned card shark, is a new favorite. As the story flows, the truth unfolds, layer by layer, leading to a satisfying conclusion.

“Winter Frost was an entertaining, at times humorous read with suspense, some surprises, and even cute animals in the mix.” Review of Winter Frost by The iRead Review



All right. Back with the Geezer Squad and a freezing cold case.


We start out with Blair witnessing multiple deaths as she runs for her life. No one to trust, it’s up to her to find her way to the director of the CIA, with the disc. She has secrets and comes face to face with one of them…Chris.


Chris has retired to a farm, but when he sees Blair, he has a lot to investigate…so, with the help of the Geezer Squad he begins.


From the opening pages the action begins and it doesn’t stop until the end.


The characters are tough, resilient, trained professionals. Nigel, with his trust guardian Tristan, is also on the case and pulls a fast one of me. I love surprises and this was a doozy.


I love the visual imagery throughout. Here is an example and I think it will easily portray my feelings.


The hundred pound dog repeatedly leaps, all four feet off the floor, to peep through the door.


I cannot begin to describe my love for Sterling and was going to share some of my favorite thoughts about him, then, I thought, I don’t want to spoil the surprise for you. Lauren Carr’s fabulous critters offer many moments of smiles and laughs with their distinct personalities, right down to Thor, the bunny rabbit.


I just want to let you know, if you see a German Shepard with sunglasses and an FBI hat, don’t get in his way. He’s probably on a case.


A conspiracy within the government. A high level official crossed over the line, turning traitor. Car chases. Bullets Flying. Danger rises and they are in a race against time.

I voluntarily reviewed a free copy of Winter’s Frost by Lauren Carr.

Animated Animals. Pictures, Images and Photos4 Stars






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5 Went In, 1 Came Out – Slash by Hunter Shea @huntershea1

Slash (Fiction Without Frontiers) - Hunter Shea


Amazon / Goodreads




5 went in….1 came out.


Ashley King is afraid of the dark and from her past experiences, she has every reason to be. I feel so bad for her. Her fear of the dark and her only escape was pills to sleep and forget…for a while.


Todd gave her his parience and support, but he would not force her to do anything she didn’t want to do. He could only hope it would be enough.


Hunter Shea did not take her to a place I thought he would, and I love that he can throw me for a loop right out of the gate. When she hangs herself, it caught me totally off guard. All I could think is WTF? Now what? I can only imagine the pain and horror she lived through as it wore her down, a little more each day, until she couldn’t take it any longer…being the ‘final girl.’


Todd could not let it go. He has to go back where it all began. He has to know. And he will.


Once they crossed the boundary between the real world and Hayden lands, they are on his turf, and the horror begins.


Much of Slash by Hunter Shea is predictable, but Hunter is good for a twist or two.


I voluntarily reviewed a free copy of Slash by Hunter Shea.



Animated Animals. Pictures, Images and Photos4 Stars








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Monday Mini – The Town That Feared Dusk by Calvin Demmer @CalvinDemmer

The Town That Feared Dusk (Short Sharp Shocks! #17) - Calvin Demmer
The Town That Feared Dusk (Short Sharp Shocks! Book 17)

Amazon / Goodreads




Sylvia was searching for a good story to kick off her journalism career and almost immediately I thought I knew how the story would go…but not quite. Calvin Demmer wasn’t going to make it quite that easy for me.


Suicide Bridge…36 cases. Why had she never heard of it before?


I can guess. There’s something going on and everyone in town wants to keep it a secret.


Suitably creepy for an easy reading short story.


I voluntarily reviewed a free copy of The Town That Feared Dusk by Calvin Demmer.

Animated Animals. Pictures, Images and Photos3 Stars







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Legend of the Chupacabra by Michael Hebler @mhebler

Legend of the Chupacabra - Michael Hebler

Allright, Book III of the Chupacabra series by Michael Hebler, Legend of the Chupacabra. I got this book from Michael back in 2015 and finished it on 12.16.15. Man oh man it has been a wild ride…so, let’s get started.


Another fabulous cover in the series.


Legend of the Chupacabra (Chupacabra Series #3)

Amazon / Audiobook / Goodreads




As I enter the third book in the series, Legend of the Chupacabra by Michael Hebler, I have been reading them one after another, I become more fond of Jessie and her tenacity. She had a sordid upbringing, is self reliant, untrusting. Life is not what she would have chosen, but she would make the best of it. If she ever became your friend, it would be for life.


I couldn’t understand her felling of dread and being stalked. After all, the chupacabra was dead…isn’t it? What do you think?


Hate and revenge are strong motivators, leaving some open to being duped and unleashing a horror never known before upon the white man. In this western world, we learn about man’s ability to be good and bad. Are they born that way or do circumstances dictate their actions? I love a book that makes me ponder deep questions.


Suspense, twists and turns, pain and sorrow, but love and hope blossom from the most evil depredations. Sometimes subsequent books in the series don’t hold up, but, no worries. Each book has held more depth, more terror and more suspense than the last. I cannot stop reading, the suspense and sense of urgency driving me to the end…but wait…there’s one more book. YAY!


OMG…NO…Michael, you are sheer evil. I had a feeling something had to happen, but, damn it! I sure didn’t see the ending coming and it was a fabulous surprise.

Animated Animals. Pictures, Images and Photos5 Stars






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Wherewolves by John Vamvas & Olga Montes @WHEREWOLVESbook

WHEREWOLVES - John Vamvas, Olga Montes


I read this a long time ago, 1.16.15, rated it on Goodreads, but forgot to write the review. Sooooo, here we are. I love the Goodreads cover, so that is the one I am sharing.


Amazon / Goodreads




I read this back in 2015, but never wrote the review. I have a ton of notes, so that must mean I would be sharing too much. Don’t want to spoil anything. Ya know, a group of kids goes in the woods, I think we all know that some are going to be left behind.


  • S ize up the situation, surroundings, physical conditions, equipment
  • U se your senses
  • R ember where you are
  • V anquish fear and panic
  • I mprovise and improve
  • V alue living
  • A ct like the natives
  • L ive by your wits

Most of the characters left a lot to be desired, so it was hard to feel sorry for them. They are seriously damaged


I didn’t see where the story was going and I do love the twist. Brutal. I wanted blood and guts and gore and I got it.


I voluntarily reviewed a free copy of Wherewolves by John Vamvas & Olga Montes.

Animated Animals. Pictures, Images and Photos4 Stars




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Silence in the Woods by J P Choquette @jpchoquett

Silence in the Woods - J.P. Choquette

J P Choquette asked me if I would like to read Silence in the Woods and I gave her a quick yes. I love anything to do with the woods and a good scare, maybe meeting Bigfoot, gotta go for it. How about you? Would you go looking for Bigfoot?


Cover: Bespoke Book Covers


Silence in the Woods (Monsters in the Green Mountains Book 1)

Amazon / Goodreads




Four went into the woods…only one came out…with a harrowing story that got him locked up in an asylum.


The group of friends had went into the woods to photograph the elusive creature that was reputed to be the cause of missing people.


The book alternates between when they went into the woods and Paul’s story after he came out…alone.


Paul is determined to return. He feels that his wife, Jane, is still alive and hopes their friends are too. BUT…there is more than Bigfoot on the loose and he will, again, have to fight for his life.


We have plenty of mystery, action and horror. Also a bit of Indian mythology going on. So all I can say is…be careful of those hieroglyphs and hikes in the woods. I love stories about the woods and I would and do enter…willingly. Would you?


I voluntarily reviewed a free copy of Silence in the Woods by J P Choquette.

Animated Animals. Pictures, Images and Photos4 Stars




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Empathy For A Psycopath – Duplicity by Sibel Hodge @sibelhodge

Duplicity - Sibel Hodge


I am doing my best to finish up on overdue reviews and Duplicity by Sibel Hodge is one of those. I received the book back in October of 2016. Seems I really overdid things that year.


I will tell you that I gave Duplicity 5 Stars, so I have no excuses for not posting the review in a timely fashion. I think you may be able to relate to my problem, too many clicks and yeses. I just wanted to grab them all.


Cover: Blacksheep Design



Amazon / Audiobook / Goodreads




With a cover like Duplicity by Sibel Hodge, I just know there is some good stuff inside. I read Untouchable by Sibel Hodge and loved it, so I was eager to begin Duplicity.

Duplicity starts out ugly, making me think of Clarise in Hannibal…but severely damaged, twisted.


A terrible, abhorrent childhood with an abusive father, neglectful mother, screaming, yelling, isolation…I want to have sympathy…


I love this kind of book. I love to read about serial killers, psychopaths and sociopaths. To delve into their fictional, or true, mind fascinates me. No matter how much I understand it is not their fault they are what they are, they still make choices.


Psychopaths have no feelings, but are they all killers? They are smart, having to learn to fake all the emotions that ‘normal’ people have. Sometimes one pivotal moment can take someone down a path they never saw coming.


How do so many incompetents get high paying jobs that require knowledge and tact…which they don’t have? Does he have the skills to solve the case, to bring down a murderer? We shall see.


Twists! Turns! Surprises! I LOVE IT! OMG. Sure didn’t see that coming.


The writing and pacing, creativity, twists and turns, suspense and AHA moments kept me on the edge, glued to the pages, unable to stop reading, waiting for the next shoe to drop and who would drop with it. I don’t think there will be a happy ever after here.


As I flip through my notes, on paper and in my Kindle, I am even more upset with myself that I didn’t review this immediately. It is hard to express my emotions since it has been so long, but this is everything I love in a thrilling, chilling, creepalicious psychopath, and of course all the other characters. Sibel Hodge is definitely an author that will be at the top of my reading list.


I voluntarily reviewed a free copy of Duplicity by Sibel Hodge.

Animated Animals. Pictures, Images and Photos5 Stars








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Giveaway & Review – The Root of Murder by Lauren Carr @TheMysteryLadie @iReadBookTours

The Root of Murder - Lauren Carr

Amazon / Audiobook / Goodreads




Even though I have only read Book III, Killer in the Band, in the Lovers in Crime Mystery Series, I had no trouble reading Book IV, The Root of Murder. Lauren Carr’s books read as stand alones that have recurring characters.


The title and cover were aptly chosen, as the bases of the murder goes back to the beginning, or the root of the secret and all that comes after.


Of course, Lauren Carr has some fabulous characters, people, villains and fur babies, that crack me up with their antics.


Poppy. I am so happy to read her story. She’s a good person, dealt a bad hand, but nothing stops her from moving on. She will be a great addition to the Thornton family.

Poppy’s faith and belief in things working out the way they are meant to be makes for a heartwarming, uplifting romance.


Gulliver, Ollie & Charley are unique characters with big personalities, bringing plenty of smiles and chuckles to the story. Once you meet them, I don’t think you’ll forget them.


Irving and Admiral are great manipulators and good for some chuckles at their antics.


Two murders with a spin that increases the suspect pool. And, of course, all the things that need to be dealt with in the normal world.


Animals and people alike are great and I love visiting them all as their lives grow fuller, richer.


Well, another happy ever after filled with romance, murder and intrigue, friendship and family, suspense and mystery, and characterless that will filled my heart with uplifting moments and humor.


I voluntarily reviewed a free copyof The Root of Murder by Lauren Carr.

Animated Animals. Pictures, Images and Photos4 Stars




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Monday Mini – A Mighty Rolling Thunder by Kerry Alan Denney @KerryDenney

A Mighty Rolling Thunder - Kerry Alan Denney, Nicolle Brown, Edd Sowder


A Might Rolling Thunder by Kerry Alan Denney is another one of those books that slipped through the crack. I finished reading it on 11.14.16 and loved it. Soooo…here we go.


Love the fabulous cover by Nicolle Brown Designs.


A Mighty Rolling Thunder

Amazon / Goodreads




A Mighty Rolling Thunder by Kerry Alan Denney starts out so nice…but it quickly turns into a run for her life for Livy…enter Conor, a guy with no memory…


At 17% it hit me…I have had those same thoughts. What would I do? How far would I be willing to go if the shit hit the fan? Lawlessness, fear, hunger, need, desire…The Rapture…the people are gone, just vanished.


Could you imagine talking to your dog, yeah, I know you already do, but what if he really understood you…and talked back?


Victor, oh yeah, he’s the villain and he wants to rule the world and would do anything to make it happen. Power, he wants it.


Free will. Do you choose to share joy or sorrow? Hope or despair? Love or damnation?


I enjoy a desolate world with a cast of characters that must band together to survive.


Throw in some magic (?), and I am in heaven. Too bad these guys weren’t, but it sure did make for a great story because of it.


I voluntarily reviewed a free copy of A Mighty Rolling Thunder by Kerry Alan Denney.


Animated Animals. Pictures, Images and Photos4 Stars




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Monday Mini – Craven Street by E J Stevens @EJStevensAuthor

Craven Street (Whitechapel Paranormal Society #1) - E.J. Stevens

I have seen E J Stevens name bandied about and even follow her newsletter, so why I haven’t read or reviewed any of her work before surprised me. LOL So I set out to correct that and picked up a review copy of Craven Street, which was released 6.25.19.


Craven Street (Whitechapel Paranormal Society, #0.5, Ivy Granger Psychic Detective, #0.10)

Amazon / Goodreads




The cover has an eerie vibe and I do I love the location, Whitechapel. It made me feel as if Jack The Ripper was looking over my shoulder as I walked the streets…or should I say ran, because there be monsters here.


I also love that the Whitechapel Paranormal Society has an all female unit.


We have plenty of action and sometimes our enemy will be our friend, as the bodies pile up. Gritty, dangerous action in this other worldly battle between good and evil.

Though there is not a cliffhanger, the story is far from over.


I voluntarily reviewed a free copy of Craven Street by E J Stevens.

Animated Animals. Pictures, Images and Photos3 Stars



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Codename: Chimera by J K Persy #JKPersy

Codename: Chimera - J.K. Persy

Very pretty cover for Codename: Chimera by J K Persy. I got this book back in February of 2014, but didn’t read it until 1.15.15. I loved it and I don’t have any excuse for waiting so long to share it with you. The cover does not make me think of the cozy mystery that it is.


Codename: Chimera

Amazon / Goodreads




During their investigation, they learned about a project called Chimera and now the mystery deepens. Is it a conspiracy? Will they kill anyone to keep a secret?


A convoluted mystery centered around a medallion. Who does it belong to?


Codename: Chimera lacked a sense of urgency, but a lot of cozies do. That doesn’t mean I don’t enjoy them and I loved this one. I was super curious about the outcome and the deaths that follow the medallion.


I loved the trio and was happy to be along for their adventure. Codename: Chimera by J K Persy is not what I expected from looking at the cover, but it all made sense in the end.


The brain teasers are a bonus. I stopped and spent a lot of time trying to solve them. I wonder if you will too.


I voluntarily reviewed a free copy of Codename: Chimera by J K Persy.

Animated Animals. Pictures, Images and Photos4 Stars




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A Dragon Falls – Hidden By Megg Jensen @meggjensen @XpressoTours

Hidden - Megg Jensen

I downloaded a copy of Hidden by Megg Jensen a long time ago, 12.16.15, to be exact, but before that. I think it had been made free since I had signed up to review the book through Xpresso Book Tours. I finished reading the book on 1.3.15 and did rate the book on goodreads, but did not write the review.


AND…GUESS WHAT…IT’S FREE. But be sure and look for the ‘0’


Great cover by Michael Gauss


Hidden (Dragonlands, #1)

Amazon / Audiobook / Goodreads




Dragons, can never get enough of them.


The living conditions put people’s true character to the test. Such close living makes it hard to hid their true colors. The characters are vindictive, revengeful, heroic and brave. I love ’em and hate ’em.


What is the fog? Is it treacherous, benign, hiding something? What happens to those who go into the fog?


I was engrossed from the beginning. The fog had me very curious and I wanted to walk into it with Tressa. When I first started reading the book, I was looking for dragons, but once I met Tressa, it became all about her. I love her strength. Her personality demanded she do what is right, no matter the consequences. She wasn’t reckless, she felt it was her duty to her people…as if she were their leader. Bastion, her true love since childhood, meant, fated, to be together.


The longer I read, the more I find is going on. I am loving my journey to the answers. It is exciting and dangers at the same time. I was bummed when a favorite of min bit the dust, added an unexpected twist, but I love when an author doesn’t walk the usual line and isn’t afraid to kill of their characters. Not predictable and plenty of surprises. Would love to read more.


I voluntarily reviewed a free copy of Hidden by Megg Jensen.

Animated Animals. Pictures, Images and Photos4 Stars




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3 Bodies and a Missile – Tainted Future by Ashley Fontainne @AshleyFontainne

Tainted Future (The Rememdium Series) (Volume 3) - Ashley Fontainne

Tainted Future by Ashley Fontainne is an apocalyptic/dystopian novel where zombies run AMOK and aren’t the only bodies that will be falling. The series does need to be read in order.


Tainted Future

Amazon / Audiobook / Goodreads




Tainted Future by Ashley Fontainne is the third book in the Rememdium series and I do recommend reading them in order. That being said, how do I write this review without giving any of the good stuff away?


Ashley Fontainne included a cast of characters in the beginning of the book and it picks up where Book II, Tainted Reality left off.


Tainted Future starts out with three bloody, gory deaths and a flaming missile that obliterates the town. They are on the run. Where do they go?


And it only gets worse. A bullet to the head. Brains splatter.


My emotions ran hot. I was filled with fear, smiles and hope, watching the characters face their personal demons and rise above them was inspiring. I only wish I would do the same in a dire situation.


People will be exposed for who they really are. Some will change for the good, others… Some characters are filled with great courage and sacrifice, at least those that are not out to rule the world. I hate that Ashley Fontainne has the need to kill so many of them off, but hey, I’m not surprised at all. Be careful of who becomes your favorite, because they might not make it.


One of the greatest scenes was in the Humvee, racing over the terrain and anything else that gets in the way. Bodies were thrown side to side, as they bounced their way into the next hair raising end of the world scenario.


We don’t end up with a cliffhanger, but we do need to read Book IV, Tainted World to find out what happens next. Will it be the final chapter? I am already bummed at some of the characters that had to bite the dust and I am afraid to find out who will be next…but, I have the book on my Kindle and will begin reading…NOW.


I voluntarily reviewed a free copy of Tainted Future by Ashley Fontainne

Animated Animals. Pictures, Images and Photos4 Stars





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Secrets Revealed – The Long Call by Ann Cleeves @AnnCleeves

The Long Call (Two Rivers #1) - Ann Cleeves

I believe this is my first novel by Ann Cleeves and I would like to thank NetGalley and Minotaur Books for the opportunity to read and review The Long Call.


When I saw the cover I immediately clicked.


The Long Call (Two Rivers, #1)

Amazon / Audiobook / Goodreads




I love the cover for The Long Call by Ann Cleeves and am always on the lookout for a good mystery. That being said, I really wanted to love this, but…


Maggie loved talking to her friend but one day he didn’t show up. And so her mystery begins and she wants answers.


The characters are gay, lesbian, mentally challenged…


Everything, good and bad, centers around the Woodyard, a community center.


It held no tension or suspense for me. I couldn’t get excited by the story or the writing but I am curious…so I will read on. I know a police procedural is not as exciting as a thriller, but I would put down The Long Call, read something else, come back to it, put it down…well, you get the picture. I was bored and my mind kept drifting.


I did finish it and because I had to know the ending, I gave it 3 stars, for satisfying my curiosity.


I voluntarily reviewed a free copy of The Long Call by Ann Cleeves.

Animated Animals. Pictures, Images and Photos3 Stars




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#BooksFromTheBackLog – Ward of the Vampires by Kallysten #Kallysten

Ward of the Vampire - Kallysten


Books from the Backlog is a fun way to feature some of those neglected books sitting on your bookshelf unread.  If you are anything like me, you might be surprised by some of the unread books hiding in your stacks.


If you would like to join in, swing by Carole’s Random Life in Books.


I downloaded Ward of the Vampires, Ward of the Vampire #1, by Kallysten from Amazon on 6.2.14. Been a while. lol


Ward of the Vampire (Ward of the Vampire, #1)

Amazon / Goodreads




Fabulous cover the Ward of the Vampire by Kallysten drew me into this vampire story with characters that captured me, making me want to know more as they took me to a wonderful place of magic and romance.


Forgot to mention the cliffhanger. This is more like a preview or a tease of what is to come in the series, which is complete and available as a set and you can get it HERE for $4.99 on Kindle

Animated Animals. Pictures, Images and Photos 4 Stars



It’s THE party of the season. Socialites, artists and A-list stars have been invited to Morgan Ward’s birthday bash, including Angelina’s boss, Delilah.

For months, Angelina has been looking at the preparations from afar, but never did she imagine that, come the day, Miss Delilah would put her in a gorgeous gown and bring her along as her ‘plus one.’

Wandering from crowded room to crowded room in the sumptuous mansion, Angelina grows overwhelmed and escapes onto a balcony, only to find it occupied by her host. That first meeting leaves her struggling for her very life, but she soon gets an unexpected do-over.

Meeting Morgan Ward for the first time all over again, Angelina finds herself falling into his arms… But is it all only a fantasy?


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2020 Reading Challenge

2020 Reading Challenge
Sherry has read 15 books toward her goal of 225 books.

2019 Reading Challenge

2019 Reading Challenge
Sherry has read 80 books toward her goal of 200 books.